Lindsay also intended to move to the capital of France to develop a career life fashion. She said: “I will live long in Paris.
I will teach French, subjects that I enjoyed the time left in school. I cried so happy when they see their new office: two balconies overlooking the Eiffel Tower.
The Times (UK), Lindsay also said that because of the short life too fierce competition in the capital to film so she switched careers. Lilo announced movies never were a choice of her. “You do not know life in Hollywood how miserable?

Enjoyed the time left in school
I will teach French, subjects that I enjoyed the time left in school. I cried so happy when they see their new office: two balconies overlooking the Eiffel Tower.
The Times (UK), Lindsay also said that because of the short life too fierce competition in the capital to film so she switched careers. Lilo announced movies never were a choice of her. “You do not know life in Hollywood how miserable?

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